Nuekie, Know Thy Skin
The Business of Beauty
BY SIERRA LEONE STARK | REPOST from Allure Magazine A new study by Ready to Beauty shows that — thanks in part to the Buy Black movement — many Black-owned beauty businesses...
Acne Series Part 2: What Does Acne Look Like
What Does Acne Look Like? Acne is a term that we speak of broadly, however, there are a variety of skin ailments that fall under the category of acne. Everyone...
Acne Series Part 1: What is Acne?
What is Acne? Is acne a challenge that you’re battling? If so, it’s important to understand the pathogenesis of acne. In other words, what causes acne? To answer this question,...
Top 5 Health & Wellness Books for W.O.C.
Are you ready to take your health and wellness to the next level? From exercising daily to seeking therapy to making nutritious dishes that would rival the top chefs, black...
What is Your Skin Type?
Great skin begins with knowing your skin type. Knowing your skin type will help you to determine what skin care regimen is right for you. It wasn't until I took...
How to Create a Basic Skin Routine
When I ask many women of color what is your skincare routine, most of them say soap and water. Every time I hear that it makes me cringe!!!! Your skin...
Welcome the to Know Thy Skin!
Growing up, I was made to feel like I was not beautiful because of my dark skin color and tightly coiled hair. I was often picked on by my peers....